From apprentice mechanic, to winning in the TA2 National Series, Jackson Rice is emerging as one of Australia’s most entertaining and inspiring stories.

Hailing from stablemate and Bathurst champion David Reynold’s town of Albury, Rice is a hands-on talent. Not only does Jackson prepare his own race car, he is entrusted to prepare competitor’s race cars across a variety of series including TA2, Trans Am, historic and even exotic international GT sportscars.

In 2023, Jackson Rice caught the eye of Push Talent Management when one of Australia’s largest automotive franchises, JAX Tyres & Auto, identified Jackson as a potential face for an apprenticeship campaign. Citing his natural race craft, but also his personality, Jackson is indeed a future ambassador for brands. Consequently, Jackson was signed to the Push talent roster as a future star.

The dream of competing in America remains an objective for Jackson, yet locally the Repco Supercars Championship beckons as the series looks to replace ageing stars with newer talent. In 2024, Jackson will step up to the national Trans Am Series, broadcast across free to air TV on Channel 7, whilst at the same time fielding interest from the Dunlop Series 2 Supercars category.

For now, its eyes forward as Jackson rides the wave of interest and the challenge of securing a championship as he climbs the mountain to becoming a full time, professional driver.


Date of Birth
19th February 2003

Place of Bitrh
Born -  Wodonga Vic 

Currently Lives
Wodonga Victoria

In a Relationship



Nick Name

Where did you grow up?
Wodonga Victoria

Where do you live now?
Wodonga Victoria

Worst job you’ve ever had?
So far I’ve enjoyed all my jobs 

What was your first car?
2007 ford focus 

The best road car you’ve ever driven?
Porsche 911 gt3 

Do you have a motor racing hero? 
Craig Lowndes 

Outside of motorsport, who did you most look up to growing up?   
What’s your favourite racetrack to date? Bathurst 

What has been your most hair-raising moment during your motorsport career so far?
Start line crash QR 2022 

Favourite food?
Green Thai Curry 

Favourite drink?
Iced Coffee 

Favourite past time?
Growing up on the water, wakeboarding, watersports 

How do you wind down and relax?
Listen to music, hang out with mates, cut laps on the simulator 

Favourite artist and favourite song?
God on the weekend by Ian Asher 

What car/s do you have in your shed? 
Audi s3 quattro



Push Talent Management:
0414 543 634